Healthy Relationships For Your Life

Build Meaningful Connections with

Relational Intelligence

Join our private online relationship coaching program!

"It's given me skills to help develop myself and interact better with others."

"This has truly been a lifeline for me during a difficult period. The Coach-on-Demand was a game-changer!"

"It's given me skills to help develop myself and interact better with others."


"This has truly been a lifeline for me during a difficult period. the Coach-on-Demand was a game-changer!"


Happy coaching client sharing their success story after working with Jeff & Ellen.


Real-life testimonials from individuals who transformed their relationships.


curious how relational intelligence can boost your happiness?
Studies show that your relationships have a MASSIVE impact on the quality of your life.
Learn the skills to create healthy ones!
Join Jeff & Ellen's coaching community to build stronger, healthier relationships.

Join our private community to:

Join our private community to:

End the cycle of frustration
Learn a proven structure to break free of unhealthy relationship dynamics.

Fight better, Connect better, Co-create better.

Get 1:1 help when you want it
Our exclusive 'Coach-On-Demand' feature means no more waiting! Get 24/7 help to navigate tricky life challenges before they escalate.
(Well, more like 18/7... we gotta sleep).
Greater impact, lasting change
2 Expert Coaches provide double the insights! Get balanced advice from both male and female perspectives.
Receive ongoing, individual support that easily fits into your life and ensures meaningful progress.
Access group learning
Level up your relationships without turning your life into a self-help marathon!
It's hard to get out of your own head, so why not borrow someone else's reality?
End the cycle of frustration
Learn a proven structure to break free of unhealthy relationship dynamics. Fight better, Connect better, Co-create better.
Get 1:1 help
when you want it
Our exclusive 'Coach-on-Demand' feature means no more waiting! Get 24/7 help to navigate tricky life challenges before they escalate. (Well, more like 18/7... we gotta sleep)
Greater impact, lasting change
2 Expert Coaches provide double the insights! Get balanced advice from both male and female perspectives.

Receive ongoing, individual support that easily fits into your life and ensures meaningful progress.

Access group learning
Level up your relationships without turning your life into a self-help marathon!

It's hard to get out of your own head, so why not borrow someone else's reality?

So who is this for?

this is for people who:

are open to new perspectives and feedback
are willing to take responsibility for their lives
desire self-awareness and Personal development
want less conflict and more connection

NOT for people who:

avoid leaving their comfort zone
are looking to be rescued
have no desire to change their behavior
hold tight to Labels and Traditions

Married, Parents, Biz Partners

and All-around Good Humans

When we first met, we didn’t have the relationship skills we needed for partnering, parenting or collaborating. Our journey was born out of relational pain.

We had to figure it all out as we went; piecing things together to discover, "What creates a happy life?"

Now, after two decades, we still argue, we wrestle with what life throws at us and we don’t always bring our 'best selves'.

But here’s what we’ve learned:

  1. In addition to our marriage, we have a relationship with all things. The same skills that helped us romantically are universal to the success of all relationships.... it all begins with ourself.

  1. As a couple, we know how to connect, we know how to repair, and we’ve figured out how to share power in our relationship.

  1. As individuals, we have a better relationship with our emotions, our health, our productivity, our friends and our community.

We’re excited to share what actually works. Let our hard-earned lessons be your shortcut to stronger, happier relationships.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb

Love & Light,


other ways to
work with us


Client receiving expert life and relationship coaching on emotional intelligence and communication.

Online Group Coaching

for Individuals & Couples

Join our community where we coach on relationships, career, emotional intelligence, productivity and self-worth.

Get expert advice and support to create a joyful, thriving life - together!

Coming Soon!


Ellen guiding a coaching session on conflict resolution and relational intelligence.

For Individuals & Couples

For times when you need individual guidance and support for your specific situation.


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